This is my Hungarian Aviation subtree, located in the Italian Aviation tech tree. The main new subtree branch would go to the right of the current Italian bomber branch, but new Hungarian aircraft would be mixed into some of the Italian lines too.
Since the Hungarian Ground Forces and Helicopter subtrees were added to the Italian tech tree, it makes sense that a Hungarian Aviation subtree should be added later. This is my idea of how a Hungarian Aviation subtree should be implemented. I have tried to include as many Hungarian aircraft, Hungarian modified aircraft, or variants of aircraft that only Hungary operated as I could, but there may still be designs and projects that I missed. I tried to make the most complete line (without massive gaps), while making sure not to flood the tech tree with unnecessary copy-pastes. The Hungarian Aviation subtree would give Italy a lot of new aircraft to fill their lineups with, aircraft to enjoy and keep people playing Italy, their only rank IV bomber and rank V jet bomber and missing rank IV and VII strike aircraft.
Note: 🞧 is the symbol for the Hungarian WW2 roundel which should appear as a white cross/plus on a black square, but this symbol only appears as it should in-game, so it appears as just a white cross here, but this represents a Hungarian roundel. I used the same symbol throughout, however cold war and modern aircraft would need different roundels in front of their name in-game as Hungary changed their roundel during these eras.
⦿ is the symbol for the Italian Air Force roundel. Again, this symbol only appears as it should in-game, so it appears slightly different here, but this represents an Italian Air Force roundel.
Some of the new vehicles in the premium section can be moved to the researchable tech tree if needed, can come as premiums if needed, or can be removed, they are there just to show that they are available options. A few copy-paste vehicles in the tech tree can also be removed if needed/deemed unnecessary. I have tried to fit as many new vehicles into this tree as I could (without forcing completely unnecessary ones) to show just how much Hungary could get and give ideas for future additions. The Ca.310 and Ca.135bis could be added as Hungarian aircraft (since Hungary used them), or as Italian aircraft (as Italy designed them), but should probably come with both Regia Aeronautica and Hungarian Air Force camos.
Which researchable aircraft are copy-pastes? How unique is each one?
- WM-16B Budapest II: Hungarian aircraft
- CR.32 (Hungary): Hungarian-modified Italian aircraft
- WM-21 Sólyom: Hungarian aircraft
- CR.42 (Hungary): Hungarian-modified Italian aircraft
- Ju 86 K-2: Hungarian-modified export variant of a German aircraft not yet in-game
- MÁVAG Héja I: Hungarian-modified Italian aircraft
- MÁVAG Héja II: Hungarian aircraft
- MÁVAG Héja II Zuhanóbombázó: Hungarian aircraft
- WM-23 Ezüst Nyíl: Hungarian aircraft
- RMI-1 X/H: Hungarian aircraft
- RMI-1 X/H (DB 605): Hungarian aircraft
- Me 210 Ca-1: Hungarian-built Hungarian-only variant of a German aircraft not yet in-game
- Me 210 Ca-1 (40 mm): Hungarian-modified Hungarian-built Hungarian-only variant of a German aircraft not yet in-game
- RMI-8 X/V: Hungarian aircraft
- MiG-17PF: Soviet aircraft, variant not yet in-game, but it's almost identical to the Lim-5P
- MiG-19PM: Soviet aircraft, variant not yet in-game
- MiG-21PF: Soviet aircraft, variant not yet in-game
- 🞧Bf 109 G-6: Hungarian-built German aircraft
- 🞧Bf 109 G-10: Hungarian or German built German aircraft
- 🞧MiG-15bis: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧MiG-21MF: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧MiG-21bis: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧MiG-23MF: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧MiG-29: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧JAS39C: Swedish aircraft
- 🞧Ju 87 D-5: German aircraft
- 🞧Fw 190 F-8: German aircraft
- 🞧Tu-2S-59: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧IL-28: Soviet aircraft
- 🞧Su-22M3: Soviet aircraft
Premium aircraft:
- Ca.310: Italian aircraft not yet in-game (can be given to Italy with a Hungarian Air Force camo or vice versa)
- Ca.135bis: Italian aircraft not yet in-game (can be given to Italy with a Hungarian Air Force camo or vice versa)
- Do 215 B: German aircraft not yet in-game
- 🞧Ju 88 C-6: German aircraft
- 🞧Ju 88 A-4: German aircraft
- 🞧Bf 109 G-14: Hungarian or German built German aircraft